As the one and only leading stylist on the Hollywood scene Miley Cyrus has come to you for a complete makeover. You have to restyle her hair, makeup and clothes for her fantastic up coming pop concert. Just remember to give her one of the best makeovers you possibly can as you never know who might be attending her concerts. You may become even more popular with the other celebrities depending on how well you do.
Miley Cyrus Celebrity Makeover

Miley is a totally unbelieveable singer. I listen to all of her songs.
I think years 2010 would be a good one for this beautiful star
Hearsay has it that Miley dropped her Prius over fears surrounding the Toyota recall. Apparently not. Seems her pet German Shepherd was getting too big for the Prius. So she opted for a much bigger Mercedes hybrid suv. Talented, wealthy and eco-conscious — gotta say one must love Miley.