I’m doing some work for my final degree in computer sciences. Me and a fellow student are working on a Internet assistant who should guide children through websites and help them when they need help. It would be GREAT if you help me on deciding which character I should try to animate for this matter.
Which one would you like to have as a surfing pal on your side ?
You can leave your vote at the right sidebar. And I would also love to hear some comments if you have some.
The votings are over now… here are the results:
* 7. wobble (32%, 318 Votes)
* 1. girl and boy (32%, 317 Votes)
* 2. dog and cat (11%, 114 Votes)
* 4. bunny (11%, 111 Votes)
* 3. birdie (7%, 72 Votes)
* 6. weasel (5%, 47 Votes)
* 5. robot (2%, 21 Votes)
I will show you what I’ve made out of it when it’s ready
everythings is cute
the one dog looks like a fox…I LUV FOXES
Wobble cause he is just so cute!
WOBBLE!This is why,if it was a human it would be creepy.at lest dont do human oh can we get one with your degree that would be tight!i want one in real life of a wobble PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOBBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I love the Birdie! It’s my favorite! I have two pet parakeets!
I really like wobble!
Its So cute!
The Wobble would be good to animate as there’s lots of things you could do with it, but my favorite has to be the birdie!
I like the Wobble the best ^^ But I also like the weasel, birdie, and the bunny <3
Good Luck
I really like the Wobble and the dog.
the weasels remind me about iron weasel
its a funny show i love it
if it wasnt there ill die!
I think the wobble would be the funnest!